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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I've been blogging and worrying lately about jobs and where my life will go once school is over.  And rightfully so; this is my final semester.  What do I want to do when I grow up?

I just wanted to take a moment to tell everyone something that is on my mind.

I miss staying at home with my son.

He's starting Pre-K this week and I'm so happy for him.  He loves going to daycare (we call it "school") and he has benefited greatly from his interactions with other kids and teachers without my interference. 

I'm happy to be making a little money and going to school.  Well, I've really been going to school most of his life, although in the beginning I was a stay-at-home mom only.  I think it's the most under-rated job in the world.  Not to mention the benefits are few and far between.  But when they come, they are better than money or not having a ton of horrendous medical bills.  Shaping a life is pretty cool.

When we were at home together more often, we had all the time in the world.  There was so much to do and so much time to do it in.  We had alone time, family time, friend time and he also had time to go stay with family.  It's become difficult and hard to bear since I left his father's house since we split his time.  Add working and school to that and I'm lucky he remembers my name is "mom" half the time.

I miss him so much.  Now that he has to be in school everyday and I'm either working or in school everyday, we have three or four evenings a week.  Hopefully one of those will be Sunday; I'm supposed to be off on Sundays and that's the day I've reserved for him.  I know it's only going to get harder when he begins sports and full days of school with homework and the like.

I am scared, but I know he will do well, therefore, so must I.  I want to take care of him and give him a happy mom.  So I do what I can for myself and keep my head up.

His grandmother tells me that it's not the quantity of time, but the quality.  I'll remember that.

To all you working moms--you're amazing and doing some of the hardest things known to woman.

To all you stay-at-home moms--you're amazing and doing some of the hardest things known to woman.

We really aren't that different.  I believe I'm lucky to get to do something else that I love so that when Fisher is too busy for me I'll not freak out.  But I think the luckiest ones get to be with their babies everyday until their kid mashes them in the face for trying to kiss him in front of his friends. 

Good luck and love to us all <3

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