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Monday, November 19, 2012


Well hello, friends. Long time no see.

So I want to start by saying I failed. Broken promises have been a direct offshoot of this very blog. Why?

Blame it on the absolutely wonderful year that I have had with my family, which is my supreme goal and bitching about not having time with my family was surely the basis for 50% of my blogging to begin with. Or blame it on me for promising too much too quickly.  I am only a work in progress.

Blame it on the rain. No, really, blame it on my heart. Or just blame me. Yes, I know I'm talking to myself because only one other person ever inquires as to what exactly I'm doing here.  I still am not sure of the answer to that question, but, unfortunately, writing is not it.

It begs the age old adage, "If a writer falls in the woods, will her readers be there to help her up?"


No, they won't, because she doesn't have any readers because they had nothing to read because she didn't write so she's not even a writer at all.

Maybe she was a little embarrassed about all of her broken promises of writing more, bitching less, walking for cures, helping the less fortunate.  Well, I actually have done that last one a little bit but I don't think giving a friend a ride or buying the beer for the evening compares with feeding the hungry.  I did bake though. Probably not more than usual. I don't even know what else I promised, that's what a fail this is.

In short, don't expect too much and I'll quit telling you to expect me to be awesome.

I think I can accomplish that much.

1 comment:

  1. Technically, once a writer, always a writer, even if on hiatus.
