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Monday, June 13, 2011

A little self-righteous...

Human beings...ugh.  Could you find anything more disgusting?  Maybe not.  But chances are you'll never find anything so beautiful either.  Ask another species and get another result, I'm sure. 

But they can't talk to answer you.  So we're better, eh?

Hah.  Surely not because of  Talking does everything but make us superior at times.  Some people open their mouths and ooze inferiority.  Not that I'm judging by class or even intellect (although it may seem I do so from the story I told in my first blog), merely by a thing called respect.  I appreciate the power of speech, and I believe I've learned to communicate effectively.  Well enough anyway.  And I respect others.

Except as I learned how to effectively diffuse conflict, I also learned to tell the truth.  Most people can't handle the truth.  What?  Did you think that line was bullshit when Jack Nicholson spit it out in A Few Good Men?  (Sidebar:  Tom Cruise is a scientologist.  Proof that he can't handle the truth)

As a result, conflict is created.  Their version of the truth is different than my version of the truth.  Yours is different too.  And that pisses us all off sometimes.  We can't help it that it's upsetting; we believe in our convictions.  We also can't help that we're all different and we value different things and react in different ways.

The world is too small.  I vow to do my best to learn to cut out my bullshit so my neighbors don't have to step in it (which would also be respectful of humans to do so with regard to their dogshit).

Let's all make a pact.  Take care of ourselves and our business before we complain about someone else trying to take care of their own. 

Live and let live.  Love.  Laugh.  Repeat.